What is Therapy?

So what is therapy? Simply put, it is a bit like a mental spa day. It is where you go to unpack all the baggage life throws your way. Whether you are battling anxiety, depression, or just feeling a bit lost, therapy offers a safe haven to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. 

Therapy is not about telling you what to do. Therapy is not about fixing you because you are broken. It is more like a tune-up for your brain and heart. You talk about your fears, your dreams, your childhood traumas, and maybe even that embarrassing thing you did last week. Your therapist is not there to judge you. It is a collaborative journey between you and a trained professional to uncover what is really going on beneath the surface and develop strategies to navigate life's challenges. 

Think of therapy as a toolkit for your mental health, equipped with strategies, coping mechanisms, and insights to help you thrive. It is a judgment-free zone where you can be your most authentic self and work towards becoming the best version of you. 

So, whether you are struggling with a specific issue or just want to enhance your overall well-being, therapy is a powerful tool to help you live your best life. 


How to choose a therapist 

Talking therapy is growing in popularity. We are getting more comfortable admitting that we are seeing a counsellor and more of us are seeking out support for our mental health. If you are looking to take the first step to find talking therapy, where should you start looking? 

A very common and effective way to seek out a reputable therapist is to get a referral from a friend or family member. Reaching out to a loved one is an important first step in beginning to overcome your challenges. 

'Counsellor' and 'psychotherapist' (or just 'therapist') will often be used interchangeably because they have fairly similar definitions. I consider counsellors deal with short-term problems to change behaviour, whereas psychotherapists work with a client on multiple issues on an ongoing basis. 


Once an appointment is made 

It is normal to feel apprehensive about meeting your counsellor for the first time. Be sure to ask yourself and/or the counsellor the following questions in order to make the right choice: 

  1. Do I feel comfortable opening up to this person and is there a strong connection? Studies show that this is essential to achieving success in any therapy. 

  2. Is the counsellor empathic and a good listener?

  3. What types of therapy do they offer? They should be able to explain why one type is better than another for your particular condition. 

  4. What hours do they offer and what is the recommended frequency of sessions? 

  5. Finally, what are the agreed-upon goals and endpoints for sessions? 

If you would like to have a discussion about how sessions could benefit you, please give me a call or drop me an email.  

A good counsellor can be the guiding light that helps you navigate through the darkest storms. Why not reach out and give it a go?  Find your Route to Wellness today…..


Dealing with Anxiety