
The author of the book Getting the Love You Want, Harville Hendrix, once said:

We are born in relationship, we are wounded in relationship, and we can be healed in relationship.

Sometimes we just don’t feel we are getting along well with somebody, but we may not be able to say why. Things just aren’t “clicking” perhaps, or maybe the times we argue vastly outweigh the times when we are happy together.

Counselling can help an individual struggling with a relationship. Within the supportive and non-judgemental environment, you can begin to unpack what is happening. Counselling can help you identify issues or problems in a relationship and find a way through those difficulties.

It can support you with small or major relationship issues that are troubling you, although you don’t need to wait until it reaches crisis point before you pursue counselling. For some people, therapy can be preventative, a means by which they can avoid relationship issues from growing.

The key to success is self awareness. You need to be able to notice when you are triggered, when your buttons are being pressed. Owning this process, so that you can step back and see what is happening, will prevent you from assuming the other person is out to get you.